Time is one.
And at the same time.
It is all of us.
Each with their own.
Do you have a short story about the time, the one which is inexorably slipping away? Send the text (3 pages max) to this address.
The selected works will be narrated in Italian by actresses and actors of the laboratory during the tenth edition of the Festival, The diversity of time, Rome, April 2016.
Note: The stories must be unpublished and participation is free.
Deadline: 31 January 2016
And at the same time.
It is all of us.
Each with their own.
Do you have a short story about the time, the one which is inexorably slipping away? Send the text (3 pages max) to this address.
The selected works will be narrated in Italian by actresses and actors of the laboratory during the tenth edition of the Festival, The diversity of time, Rome, April 2016.
Note: The stories must be unpublished and participation is free.
Deadline: 31 January 2016